We’re experts in providing therapy for children who have speech, language and communication needs ranging from difficulties pronouncing a single sound, through to conditions which may mean they don’t talk at all.
Our caring, professional team has decades of experience working directly with children and their families, as well as in the NHS, in children’s homes, schools, specialist centres, nurseries and hospitals.
experts in speech and language
The world of speech and language therapy and our understanding of what affects a child’s ability to communicate is continually evolving, so our training never stops.
- Palin Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (Michael Palin Centre)
- Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention (CBITS)
- Stuttering Clinical Skills
- Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme
- Makaton (Levels 1&2)
- Signalong
- Teacch
- BSL Level 1
- Assessment & Treatment of Speech Sound Disorders (Caroline Bowen)
- Social Thinking (Michelle Garcia Winner)
- AAC - high & low tech
Certificate in dyslexia studies
- SoundsWrite
- Lidcombe programme
- ADHD advanced training
- PROMPT training
- Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
- Autism & Mental Health
- Autism & Social Relationships - Dr Luke Bearden
- Therapy Outcome Measures (TOMS) – Pam Enderby
- Leading Change - Programme for Therapists
- Post-graduate certificate in Educations (PGCE)
- More Than Words - Hanen
- Solution Focussed Brief Therapy with children and young people who stammer & their parents.- Michael Palin
- Language in ASD
- Anger Management for children and young people
- Managing Anxiety and Stress with children and young people with ASD
- Auditory Disorders
- Understanding instructions
- Learning words
- Managing anxiety
- Putting together a sentence
- Overcoming selective mutism
- Being understood
- Stammering
- Managing anxiety
- Understanding paragraphs
- Attention and listening
- Verbal reasoning
- Creating and telling stories
- Reading social situations
- Concepts such as big/small, over/under
- Understanding emotions
here to provide
Every one of our highly experienced Speech and Language Therapists undertakes continuing professional development (CPD) to ensure that their knowledge and skills include the latest thinking in the field.
Each member of our team has worked in the NHS and the education sector for many years, so we know what works and how best to help your child communicate better and build their self-esteem.
We use proven speech and language therapy strategies and techniques to build a targeted, bespoke programme for every child.
We also know that as a parent, you are the ultimate expert in your child’s development, so work in partnership with you to achieve the very best results.