autism assessments

Wondering if your child might be Autistic can be a hard place to be in. You might be unsure what you can do to help them, uncertain what their future looks like and unclear on how to respond to their behaviour.

An assessment with us provides that insight into whether your child’s way of interacting with the world is due to autism, and provides a supportive pathway from the moment you get in touch through to supportive aftercare to help your child thrive, autistic or not. 

Our service

The Expressive Child is now offering a gold standard assessment package, utilising diagnostic tools such as the ADOS and ADI, in order to diagnose autism in children and young people*, with an aftercare support system included. With a specialist team of clinical psychologists and speech and language therapists, we have years of training, expertise and experience in assessing and providing therapy for people with autism.

Using a combination of a child’s developmental history and assessment through observation and play, our friendly and highly skilled team will work together to determine whether or not your child meets the criteria for an autism diagnosis. Once our team has discussed the assessments and compiled your child’s report, you will be invited to meet with one of our team to be given the results, and where appropriate, an autism diagnosis for your child.

Whether or not your child receives a diagnosis, this appointment can be a lot to take in, so we also offer a Q&A appointment around 1-2 weeks later where we can give you additional helpful information, and answer any questions you have about what the results of your child’s assessment mean for them and your family. Finally, we offer an optional ‘parent connections’ coffee morning where you can meet with other parents at a similar stage in their journey to yours, to enable you to build a support network should you want to**.

* we are not able to assess adults at this time

** dependent on level of interest of other parents and carers

Included in our package

  • Preassessment parent questionnaire
  • Preassessment school/nursery questionnaire
  • Clinical psychology appointment: Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised (ADI-R)
  • Speech and Language Therapy appointment: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
  • Assessment feedback appointment
  • Clinical report compiled by your multidisciplinary team
  • Q&A appointment
  • Parent connections coffee morning


n.b. in some instances, a school observation may be required, at an additional cost