Speech and language difficulties have an undeniable impact on a child’s confidence and life outcomes.
So it’s vital to choose a professional Speech and Language Therapist who can make your child laugh, whilst helping them improve their communication skills.
The Expressive Child was founded in 2015 to do exactly that.
We provide professional support for children at our friendly clinic, in school or virtually, anywhere in the world.
We’re an independent children’s Speech and Language Therapy practice based in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey.
All our team members are highly experienced and fully qualified Speech and Language Therapists (Cert.MRCSLT) who not only have outstanding clinical knowledge, but who also know how to build strong relationships with children and families.
We have experience of working with children who have needs ranging from difficulties pronouncing one single sound, to children with complex physical needs affecting their communication difficulties.
In addition to working directly with children and their families, we have experience working in the NHS, in children’s homes, schools, specialist centres, nurseries and hospitals.
meet our founder

Jenni Lindinger Cert.MRCSLT founded The Expressive Child having worked in the NHS, hospitals, clinics, speech and language units and in schools.
Her aim was to create an independent practice with highly experienced, qualified Speech and Language Therapists who could see beyond a child’s immediate communication, speech or language challenge and understand how it impacted their life and family.
Jenni’s has training in Speech and Language Therapy, counselling (level 3) and holds a diploma in Trauma Informed Practice. She is passionate about working with clients who benefit from a combination of these skills, for example, autistic young people who need support with emotions and mental health alongside traditional language therapy. She uses a neurodiveristy affirming framework throughout her practice.
She has a particular interest in selective mutism, autism stammering, mental health and developing social skills to help with anxiety and depression.
She enjoys spending time with her young family, dancing, reading and gardening.
Jenni’s favourite quote is ‘People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don’t find myself saying, “Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner.” I don’t try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.’ – Carl R. Rogers
When it comes to Speech and Language disorders, there is no magic wand.
At The Expressive Child, we pride ourselves on delivering the very best therapy tailored to each child, to help them deal with their challenges, boost their confidence and increase their self-esteem.
Every one of tthe team has additional training in Trauma Informed Practice, and operates from a neurodiversity affirming framework.

Sunny Sur
Sunny is our Deputy Clinical Director, and Director of School Services and joined us after having worked in the NHS for many years. She specialises in setting up and running services in schools, helping schools to support their children with speech, language and communication needs and providing targeted and specialist help to children who need extra support.
She works alongside teachers to set up communication-friendly classrooms, helps differentiate work for children who need it, and trains teachers and TAs in how to run therapy themselves.
Sunny has post-qualification training in stammering, selective mutism and shape coding as well as substantial experience working with ASD and speech difficulties.
Outside work, she enjoys cooking, being creative with crafts and family-time.
One of her favourite quotes is: ‘It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop’. Confucius

Simeran Randhawa
Simeran Randhawa is our specialist in complex needs, complex communication disorders such as ASD and feeding difficulties (dysphagia).
She has extensive experience in the NHS carrying out autism assessments, complex needs assessments, and working in the paediatric hospital wards alongside a multi-disciplinary team (paediatricians, dieticians, psychologists, occupational therapists) as well as carrying out EHCP assessments.
Simeran has post-qualification training in ADOS assessments, dysphagia, SCERTS, PECS, TEACCH, Makaton, Attention Autism and more!
Her favourite quote is “Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before.” – Bonnie Blair

Hannah Ramsay
Hannah has spent many years working in a specialist school for children with severe speech and language difficulties, both in isolation and also alongside other co-occuring conditions such as autism. She is highly experienced at delivering state-of-the-art therapy to individual children as well as working directly in the classroom, jointly planning and delivering English and Science lessons alongside specialist teachers.
Outside work, she enjoys zumba, jigsaw puzzles, reading and watching Disney films.
Her favourite quote is “Laughter is timeless, Imagination has no age, and Dreams are forever.” – Walt Disney

Tracy jackson. mrcslt
Tracy trained in South Africa, and has worked in both the UK and South Africa within the NHS, in private practice and in specialist schools for children with speech and language difficulties.
She enjoys finding new an innovative ways to engage children, and has additional training and experience in supporting reading and literacy development.
Outside work, she enjoys running, going to music concerts, reading and spending time with her family.
Her favourite quote is “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt

aliesha lamprey mrcslt
Aliesha trained in Australia and has worked in a combination of child development centres, community clinics and private practice.
She has special interests in a range of ares including early language development, primary school language, speech sounds, literacy, stuttering/stammering and alternative and augmentative communication (AAC).
Outside of work, Aliesha enjoys travelling, keeping fit and spending time with friends.
Her favourite quote is “No one has ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” ―The Greatest Showman

Dr Laura Chance-Lawton
DClinPsy. HCPC
Laura is a Clinical Psychologist and has worked in the NHS carrying out autism assessments as part of multi-disciplinary teams within child and adolescent mental health services. She has a particular interest in assessing and supporting young people with autism in the context of their mental health needs. She also has experience in working with Looked After/ Adopted children and young people with eating disorders.
Outside of work she enjoys dog walks, cooking and time with friends and family.
Her favourite quote is “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Kerry Daly
Kerry Daly is our therapy centre co-ordinator, and makes the magic happen for the rest of the team. She looks after the team’s diaries, liaises with families and makes sure that things run smoothly.
She’s the first person you are likely to be in touch with when contacting the therapy practice, and the one who will almost certainly be able to help you with all the practical questions.
Kerry enjoys spending time with her family, doing pilates and seeing friends.
One of her favourite quotes is;
‘But then I realized, what do they really know? This is MY idea, I thought. No one knows it like I do. And it’s okay if it’s different, and weird, and maybe a little crazy.’ Kobi Yamada
you are always welcome!
While we’re very happy to work in schools, our safe and cosy therapy centre in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey provides a warm and nurturing environment where your child can begin their journey towards confidence and self-belief.