Q&A hub

Hi everyone,

Jenni and the team here:

We have been receiving a lot of requests for pro bono advice and support recently, and we truly want to help as many people as we can but we just can’t keep up!

We know how difficult it can be to chat to a speech and language therapist and get affordable and reliable advice, so in the past we have joined many local groups (virtual and in-person) to be available for a bit of informal extra help. We’ve now set up a dedicated email address: [email protected], for anyone (parents, carers, teachers, emergency services workers – anyone really) to any questions or request advice. It is common for us to get many similar questions and with this approach, we can share the answers more widely and build a helpful bank of speech and language therapy information for even more people. 

Our team will have allocated pro bono time each week to look at these questions, and and answer them on a blog/vlog, in order to create a bank of Q&As that people can look through anytime. Obviously, we will anonymise anything we are asked!

The types of things we are often asked include:

  • My child (age x) is/isn’t doing this; should I be concerned?
  • Can you look at this report and advise on whether your assessment reports would include any additional information?
  • We’ve been told x (e.g. use a visual timetable, use non-declarative language, adapt the classroom). What does this mean? How do we do it?
  • I’m worried about x. How can I engage the school in helping me with this?
  • We have a student accessing our leisure facility but they are struggling with (e.g. taking turns), how can we work with them to help?
  • A young person in my tutor group comes in everyday in tears or highly anxious, or they don’t come in at all. What approach should I use?
  • Someone has recommended something (e.g. ABA), but I’ve heard mixed advice. What can you tell me? (FYI, if it’s about ABA, we always say that ABA doesn’t align with our neurodiversity affirming way of practising speech and language therapy!)
  • Should I be pushing my child harder, or easing off them?
  • I’m struggling to manage this behaviour, do you have any tips.
  • What does (terminology/definition) mean (e.g. what does neuro-diversity affirming mean?)
Any advice or comments will be generic, in the interests of protecting confidentiality, and as such, we cannot take responsibility for how this information is used. Without us conducting an assessment ourselves, and taking a full case history, there might be information we don’t have that would have a bearing on the advice we would give. However, we hope that this will help bridge the gap between the number of people seeking SALT help and the amount of help currently available.


I want to start by saying “hello”- and also by talking about whether we should ask children to say hello.

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Preparation and Clean Up

A good therapist puts the time in before an appointment to attend necessary training, discuss the case in supervision, prepare the room and the games, read the notes from the previous session, make new resources and more.

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A Quick Chat

Sometimes, as parents, we worry about something for ages before doing something about our concerns.

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